To Open or Not To Open.......

What if I told you that we asked ourselves that over and over again.  Like most business owners.  Like most people who open any sort of business.  Well, actually, we didn't.  We just opened.  I just decided to do it and open.  It was a no brainer really.  Who doesn't want to sit at home and play with clothes, right?  Wrong....

I guess I personally didn't take into consideration the amount of time, energy, and money it took to open a boutique,  I KNEW how much it took but I guess I can say I didn't really KNOW.  Between buying the clothing, the materials, and then just putting in the energy itself, I don't think that anyone ever really knows what to expect until they've done it.

You can research what you need.  You can ask your questions of fellow owners.  You can get your business loans (or if you're lucky, not).

If you want my honest opinion, open.  If it's your dream and it's your goal, GO FOR IT.  Nothing should ever hold you back from your dreams.  Nothing should ever keep you from getting from what you want or deserve in life.

Here is something to get you started.  A basic list of things to get you started in the boutique world. Now granted, this list is VERY limited.  There is going to be a lot more that you are going to need but this will at least get you started.

  • Garment Racks (Quantity Depends on your inventory
  • Hangers (The velvet hangers are the BEST, clothes stay on them)
  • Photography light kit and back drop
  • Shipping supplies from USPS (They are free and ship free to your house)
  • Clear Bins (You can just never have too many)
  • Shopping Bags
  • Garment Tags
  • Post Cards (To send your customers on item care and return policy)
  • Business Cards

As I said before, this list is very limited so don't take this as the Holy Bible of things Boutiques need. You are going to need this and SO MUCH MORE!!! This will just get you started.  But in the end, I hop it has helped you to decided to..........

Open or Not to Open.

Until next time future in home boutique owners........


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