Meet Alyssa, The Fashion Blogger

What do you do when you wake up one morning to an email that reads: "Hello, My name is Alyssa Paolillo, and I am from North Haven, CT . Ever since I came across your clothing I have been interested in branding on behalf of your company. I would be happy to participate in social media activities in hopes to grow your brand." ??? Well, you can either sit there with your mouth wide open and wonder why someone would want to contact you or you can jump up and down and KNOW why someone would want to contact you!! We knew why someone would want to contact us. Even though we are a slow moving Boutique, a slow going brand, we know we have something here. We know what we are doing is right. Alyssa sees that in us too. And that is an amazing feeling. I love that she is a newer fashion blogger. She's really only been at this for a couple of months. She has an amazing following and has helped other boutiques already...